For liberal cartoonists like Oliphant, Toles, and Rall, there is no shred of patriotism as common Americans define it. They are the type who have never worn the uniform, but are sure they know how to criticize those of us who have. When the chips are down, and America has its back to the wall, it is the cowards who throw stones at the men who do the fighting.
Does America really deserve to be slandered like this?
Honestly, I don’t feel as if President Bush needs to be defended for criticizing Medvedev, Putin, and Russia, for their imperialistic invasion of Georgia, but, for the faint of heart in our country, allow me to remind you:
Russia’s pattern of behavior for the past 100 years should scare every moral judge who dares to read their history. They have rolled their tanks into innocent countries whose only crime was to resist the godless communism that Russia wanted to inflict on them.
When America sends its good men and women into a country, it’s to help liberate their people. Just because you’re too lazy to study American history, compared to Russia’s, doesn’t mean that everything is the same in this world.
Iraq started their reign of terror over thirty years ago, when Saddam Hussein rose to power. As a Sunni, he savaged the Shi’a and Kurds in Iraq, feeding innocent people into wood chippers (while alive), raped and indiscriminately killed hundreds of thousands of his people, a’la Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. We only started our “brutal, stupid, war” with them in 1990, after Saddam turned his murderous gaze outside his own country, towards Kuwait.
Since then, Iraq has defied UN resolutions 16 times, fired on our men in no-fly zones, attempted to assassinate one of our presidents, and supported Islamic suicide bombers throughout the world.
Now, when you can find a similar example that Georgia has committed against Russia or the world, then maybe there would be an argument to make. Until then, we patriotic Americans shake our heads in shame at the Oliphant’s of this great nation.
1 comment:
Your piece was very much in line with Charles Krathammer's piece as well as Rush's commentary that referenced it.
There is a difference between what we should do and what we will do in regards to Russia's invasion of Georgia.
What we should do is (1) disband the G8 by reconstituting it as the original G7 leaving Russia out of it, (2) bar Russia from the WTO & (3) boycott the Russian winter Olympics (in order to spare us from the insipid propaganda that we are suffering from the Chinese currently).
But, ultimately, after taking these critical steps, after Russia counters by exercising their veto right as their permanent member security council status against the authorization to use force against Iran in order to hault their quest for nuclear weapons, WE GO AHEAD AND DO IT ANYWAY.
This final step is what our reinvigorated enemy calls "The Russian Way". Isn't this what they will most clearly understand and grudingly, respect?
Of course what we will do - maybe is (3) boycott their Olympics. That'll show 'em!
Militarily & economically, America is the number one super power in the world. The projection of our will - to defend liberty even those of others - is unstoppable. Save for the will of God , America's only limitation is the resolve of its people. No army, even ours, can win without it.
The truly sad part is that should America slide away, its history will not be written by those who admired it declaration of independence, its defense of libery. America's obituary will be written by its enemies, who hated & feared it for what it stood for. Save for the resurrection of the American People's Will, America's obituary will be written by the likes of Putin, Ahmadenijad & Kim Jonj Il, Bin Laden & Assad.
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