Friday, October 3, 2008

Baracktoid 040

Barack relates that seeing a picture in Life magazine of "the black man who tried to peel off his skin" was "violent for me, an ambush attack." The photograph told him "there was a hidden enemy out there, one that could reach me without anyone's knowledge, not even my own."

The only problem with the story is that it is all made-up.

As columnist Richard Cohen wrote in the Washington Post, this violent awakening incident that permanently altered Obama's vision was at best a fantasy. Life magazine reported no such issue ever existed. "When the Chicago Tribune told Obama that Life magazine historians could find no such story, Obama suggested it might have been Ebony--'or it might have been...who knows what it was?' " Cohen wrote. Yet the Chicago Tribune contacted the magazine, and Ebony's archivists could find no such article, either.

-p. 65, Obama Nation, author, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D

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